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All the Info

In a Nutshell

Pure Joy Publications' passion is to help foster healthy believers in Christ through teaching and celebrating the beautiful gifts by which God has blessed us.


Writing from the perspective of believers in Jesus Christ, we see that God showcases Himself all about us, and His fingerprints are visible and apparent. And what we see of God is worthy of celebration! 


Enjoying twenty-plus years of marriage has allowed us to see the brilliance of God's design, that people can bond and build community, and our bonds are strongest when we follow the design of our marvelous Creator! 


Now tasting the sweetest portions of the mortal life, children, we find ourselves overwhelmed with love and hungry to provide our children with the healthiest, happiest, and wholesome home we can. We succeed at this by honoring the biblical teachings of scripture! 


Pure Joy Publications exists to share this incredible journey with all who will go with us, learn with us, and celebrate with us the wonders of God, Marriage, Parenting, Family, and Story!

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